4 uses of video in company culture and communication

Vani Aggarwal

9 January, 2024

blog/business-people-connecting-puzzle-pieces_1.webp In today's fast-paced business world, effective communication and a positive company culture are more important than ever. Video has become an increasingly popular tool for businesses to foster strong communication and promote a positive company culture. Video can be used to share company news and updates, showcase employee achievements, provide training and development opportunities, and much more. In this guide, we'll explore the various uses of video in company culture and communication, including how video can help to build a strong sense of community within your organization. We'll also look at the benefits of using video in company culture and communication and provide tips for creating effective videos that can help your organization achieve its communication and culture goals. Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation, this guide will help you harness the power of video to improve your company's culture and communication.

1. Improved employee engagement through the use of video in company culture and communication

Improved employee engagement is a key benefit of using video in company culture and communication. Video can help to foster a sense of connection and belonging among employees, promoting greater engagement and commitment to the organization.
Building Relationships: Video can help employees get to know one another and build relationships, creating a more cohesive and engaged team.
Improving Communication: Video allows for real-time, face-to-face communication, improving the quality and effectiveness of interactions between employees and teams.
Enhancing Transparency: Video can help to build trust and transparency by providing employees with a clear view of the company's mission, values, and goals.
Encouraging Collaboration: Video conferencing and collaboration tools can be used to encourage collaboration among employees, regardless of location, helping to foster a more inclusive company culture.
In conclusion, using video in company culture and communication can help to improve employee engagement by building relationships, improving communication, enhancing transparency, and encouraging collaboration. By fostering greater engagement and connection among employees, companies can improve the overall health of their company culture and drive success.

2. Increased transparency in the use of video in company culture and communication

Increased transparency is a key benefit of using video in company culture and communication. Video can help to build trust and openness among employees, promoting greater transparency and accountability within the organization.
Executive Communications: Video can be used to communicate directly with employees at the highest levels of leadership, providing a transparent and direct line of communication.
Company Updates: Video can be used to share company updates, news, and important information, keeping employees informed and in the loop.
Behind the Scenes: Video can provide a behind-the-scenes look at the company, helping employees gain a deeper understanding of the organization and its operations.
Sharing Insights: Video can be used to share insights, perspectives, and opinions from a wide range of employees, promoting greater transparency and diversity of thought within the company.
In conclusion, using video in company culture and communication can help to increase transparency by promoting direct communication from leadership, sharing company updates and information, providing a behind-the-scenes look at the company, and sharing diverse perspectives from employees. This can help to build trust and accountability, fostering a more open and transparent organizational culture.

3. Better internal communication through the use of video in company culture and communication

Better internal communication is one of the key benefits of using video in company culture and communication. Video can help to improve the quality and effectiveness of interactions between employees and teams, promoting greater collaboration and connection.
Real-time Communication: Video allows for real-time, face-to-face communication, improving the quality of interactions and promoting more effective collaboration.
Cross-functional Collaboration: Video conferencing and collaboration tools can be used to bring together employees from different departments and locations, improving cross-functional collaboration and communication.
Sharing Information: Video can be used to share information and updates, helping to keep employees informed and in the loop.
Providing Context: Video can provide a more immersive and interactive experience, allowing employees to gain a deeper understanding of the information being shared.
In conclusion, using video in company culture and communication can help to improve internal communication by enabling real-time communication, promoting cross-functional collaboration, sharing information, and providing context. By improving the quality of internal interactions and communication, companies can foster a more connected and engaged organizational culture, driving success.

4. Better remote communication through the use of video in company culture and communication

The use of video in company culture and communication can greatly improve remote communication, allowing employees to stay connected and engaged even when they are not in the office. Here are a few key benefits:
Face-to-Face Communication: Video conferencing and collaboration tools provide a way for remote employees to engage in face-to-face communication with colleagues and teams, improving the quality of interactions.
Improving Collaboration: Video can help to improve collaboration between remote employees, allowing teams to work together more effectively and efficiently.
Staying Connected: Video can help remote employees stay connected with the rest of the company and stay informed about important updates and news.
Overcoming Distance: Video can overcome the challenges of distance and geography, allowing remote employees to feel more connected and involved with the company, regardless of their location.
In conclusion, using video in company culture and communication can greatly improve remote communication by providing a way for remote employees to engage in face-to-face communication, improving collaboration, staying connected, and overcoming the challenges of distance. By improving remote communication, companies can create a more connected and engaged workforce, no matter where their employees are located.


Overall, the use of video in company culture and communication can help organizations build a strong, connected, and engaged workforce while also improving productivity, communication, and branding.
So what are you waiting for? Speak to a Vaak Video Expert today to get your business an explainer video that will get you clients in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are company culture videos?
Peeking beyond the resume: Company culture videos offer a glimpse into your team's spirit, values, and daily rhythm. They showcase what makes your workplace unique and attract talent who resonate with your vibe.

What should be included in a company video?
A compelling story: Show your mission in action, highlight employee voices, and capture your work environment's energy. Don't forget a clear call to action to connect with viewers.

How do you showcase your culture on social media?
Authentic snippets: Share behind-the-scenes moments, team celebrations, and employee perspectives. Engage in conversations and respond to comments to build a genuine connection.

How can video improve communication and transparency?
Breaking down silos: Video presentations, town halls, and employee spotlights foster direct communication across departments and levels, building trust and understanding.

What are the different ways companies use video to build a positive culture?
Onboarding with a smile: Welcome new hires with video introductions, office tours, and team messages to create a warm and inclusive environment.

Celebrating success: Recognize achievements, share milestones, and highlight employee contributions to boost morale and reinforce company values.

Fostering collaboration: Use video brainstorming sessions, virtual coffee breaks, and team challenges to create a sense of unity and encourage shared goals.

Sharing diverse voices: Showcase talents and perspectives from across the company to promote inclusivity and celebrate the richness of your workforce.


Vani Aggarwal is a writer, director, and producer. Creative entrepreneur @ Vaak. She has over 15 years of experience in filmmaking and digital video production. Expert in nonfiction and animation storytelling. Loves Errol Morris and Miyazaki equally.