5 ways to make an award-winning Brand video that converts

Vani Aggarwal

9 January, 2024

blog/image1_4.webp A catchy and effective video has the power to sell, and using it correctly is the key to a successful video marketing strategy. What you sell can be anything from a product or service to even your brand name!
Usually, when you go to the market to buy a product, you see every detail of the product, right from its quality, quantity, packaging, and price, and then you make a choice—to buy or not to buy. But when you see an advertisement on TV or social media, the process gets effortless and faster. Why does this happen? A video can not only make a product look attractive, but it also has immense potential to convince. After all, it is a virtual reality on your screens!
Having said that, while videos have the power to convert, not all videos successfully do so. A sloppy script, an unconvincing narrative, overcomplicated jargon, and unappealing visuals—the factors can be many. But if you want to avoid all that, here are some points to keep in mind to make an award-winning video that does wonders for your brand:

1. Tell a story.

Remember Mukesh from the tobacco ad by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, screened before every film in the theater? Well, they could have directly talked about the ill effects of smoking and how hazardous it is to health. But by telling a story, they achieve: our attention, evoke emotions, state some facts, and, of course, convey the message with conviction within 30 seconds. That is the potential of a well-told story. As an audience, nobody wants to know why your product is beneficial to them or what it does, but they don’t mind engaging in a gripping story. If you can provide that while also slipping in your product or service in between, congratulations! You have cleared the first level of engagement!

2. Let your brand do the talking.

While you can talk-talk-talk and tell-it-all, let your brand be in the spotlight of the video. To impact the audience, emphasize the concept but not over-praise your product or brand. Try to make it relatable; focus on showing rather than telling. It should have the capability to make connections between you and your audience without coming across as preachy or in your face.

3. Focus on the ‘feel’ factor.

The essence of the video is to convince, but the key is subtly doing it. While emotions can be varied, from anger to laughter to grief or overwhelm, half the success lies in making them ‘feel’. If the video can evoke emotions, it psychologically compels the audience to believe and trust—two words every brand wants to hear from their (potential) customers.

4. Call for action

Using the same old marketing tactics, end your video by putting the viewer in the spotlight. Offer something they cannot refuse that would subtly oblige them to give it a shot! Including an actionable statement will let your video stay in their afterthoughts and provoke them to make a choice.
a) It could be as simple as free trials and guaranteed money back!                          
b) Pledge for a social cause. For example, a pledge to use cruelty-free makeup and casually slip in your brand stands for the same.
c) investing in a product that donates a sum of that money to a specific good deed. For example, ‘Every product you buy, we plant a seed.’ ‘Every service you take, we donate to fund a child’s education.”

Essentially, tell them why they should consider making the investment in your brand, product, or service, making you stand out from your competitors.

5. Focus on your niche.

To make a video that brings results, it is crucial to have a specific target audience in mind. Everything doesn’t work for everyone; this implies that you need to strategically plan who your brand caters to and make a video that resonates with that audience. The more you narrow down your niche, the better your appeal will be. The video should be convincing and direct in its approach, focusing only on your potential customers and clients. Always remember: generic videos get generic results.
Lastly, do not forget to leave room for curiosity. Give information, but just enough to pique interest. And, never forget to KISS your video—keep it short and simple! After all, it is a video and not a film.

Vani Aggarwal is a writer, director, and producer. Creative entrepreneur @ Vaak. She has over 15 years of experience in filmmaking and digital video production. Expert in nonfiction and animation storytelling. Loves Errol Morris and Miyazaki equally.