The 5 benefits of using explainer videos in onboarding new employees

Vani Aggarwal

8 January, 2024

blog/brooke-cagle-g1Kr4Ozfoac-unsplash-_1_.webp Onboarding new employees is a crucial part of building a successful team, but it can also be a time-consuming and challenging process. This is where explainer videos can be a game-changer for companies. Explainer videos are short, engaging, and easy-to-understand videos that can help new employees learn about their role, the company culture, policies and procedures, and much more. In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of using explainer videos in onboarding new employees, including how they can improve employee retention, increase productivity, and streamline the onboarding process. We'll also provide tips for creating effective explainer videos that can help your organization achieve its onboarding goals. Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation, this guide will help you leverage the power of explainer videos to make your onboarding process more efficient, engaging, and effective. 

1. Consistency in explainer videos

Consistency is a key factor in using explainer videos when onboarding new employees. Inconsistent onboarding can lead to confusion and a lack of understanding among employees, which can negatively impact their performance and productivity.
Using video in onboarding can help ensure consistency in the following ways:
Standardized Content: By using video to deliver onboarding information, companies can ensure that all new employees receive the same information and messages, regardless of their location or the time they start with the company.
Consistent Delivery: Video allows for a consistent delivery of the onboarding information, ensuring that all new employees receive the information in the same format and in the same order, making it easier for them to understand and retain the information.
Accessibility: Video onboarding materials can be easily accessed and re-watched by employees, ensuring that they have access to the information whenever they need it, even if they miss something the first time around.
Consistent Experience: Using video for onboarding can create a consistent experience for all new employees, regardless of their location or background. This can help to build a sense of unity and shared understanding among new employees, improving their ability to work together effectively.
In conclusion, using video in onboarding can help to ensure consistency in the delivery and content of the onboarding information, creating a consistent experience for all new employees and improving their understanding and retention of the information.

2. Engagement in explainer videos

Engagement is a critical factor in the success of onboarding new employees, and using video can help to improve engagement in several ways:
Interactive: Video provides a more interactive and engaging way to deliver information compared to traditional methods, such as reading a manual or attending a lecture. This can help to hold the attention of new employees and improve their retention of the information.
Personalized: The video can be customized to reflect the specific needs and interests of the new employees, making the onboarding process more relevant and engaging for them.
Dynamic: Video allows for the use of visuals, animations, and other dynamic elements, making the onboarding process more engaging and memorable.
Accessible: Video can be easily accessed and re-watched by employees, ensuring that they have access to the information whenever they need it and can review the information as many times as needed to fully understand it.
Encourages interaction: Video onboarding can include interactive elements, such as quizzes or feedback forms, to encourage new employees to actively participate in the onboarding process and retain more information.
In conclusion, using video in onboarding new employees can help to improve engagement and make the onboarding process more interactive, personalized, and dynamic. By using video, companies can ensure that new employees are fully engaged and invested in the onboarding process, improving their understanding and retention of the information.

3. Flexibility in explainer videos

Flexibility is an important advantage of using video in onboarding new employees. With video, companies can provide new employees with the information they need, when they need it, without being limited by time or location constraints.
Remote Access: Video onboarding materials can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making it possible for remote employees or those working in different locations to receive the same high-quality onboarding experience as those in the office.
Self-Paced Learning: With video, new employees can move at their own pace and revisit information as many times as needed. This is particularly beneficial for those who need more time to understand certain concepts or who have limited prior experience in the field.
Adaptable: Video onboarding materials can be updated and adapted as needed, ensuring that new employees receive the most up-to-date information.
Efficient: With video, companies can cover more information in less time, freeing up resources that can be used for other aspects of the onboarding process.
In conclusion, using video in onboarding new employees provides a level of flexibility that is not possible with traditional methods. Companies can provide new employees with the information they need, when they need it, regardless of their location or schedule, improving the efficiency and adaptability of the onboarding process.

4. Reduced costs in explainer videos

Using video in onboarding new employees can lead to reduced costs in several ways:
Decreased Travel Costs: With video onboarding, there is no need for new employees to travel to a central location for training, reducing travel expenses.
Lower Material Costs: Traditional onboarding materials, such as printed manuals and training guides, can be costly to produce and distribute. Using video eliminates the need for these materials, reducing costs.
More Efficient Use of Time: Video onboarding is a more efficient way to deliver information, allowing companies to cover more information in less time. This can reduce the amount of time and resources that need to be devoted to onboarding, freeing up resources for other important tasks.
Improved Retention: By improving engagement and retaining more information, video onboarding can lead to a faster and more successful onboarding process. This can reduce the need for additional training and support, reducing costs over time.
In conclusion, using video in onboarding new employees can help companies reduce costs by decreasing travel expenses, reducing the cost of materials, making more efficient use of time, and improving retention. By reducing costs, companies can allocate more resources to other areas of their business, helping to drive growth and success.

5. Efficient Delivery of Information in Explainer Videos

Efficient delivery of information is one of the key benefits of using video in onboarding new employees. Video can be an effective tool for conveying complex information in a concise and engaging manner.
Visualization: Video allows companies to bring abstract concepts to life, making it easier for new employees to understand and retain the information being presented.
Concise: With video, companies can cover more information in less time, making the onboarding process more efficient and effective.
Interactive: Many video platforms now offer interactive features, such as quizzes and interactive elements, which can help to engage new employees and reinforce the information being presented.
Reusable: Video materials can be used multiple times, making it possible for companies to deliver consistent, high-quality onboarding experiences to new employees, regardless of their location or schedule.
In conclusion, using video in onboarding new employees can help deliver information in an efficient, engaging, and effective manner. With video, companies can bring abstract concepts to life, cover more information in less time, and deliver a consistent, high-quality onboarding experience to new employees, regardless of their location or schedule.


Overall, the use of video in onboarding can help organizations deliver information effectively and efficiently while also improving the overall experience of new employees and setting them up for success in their new roles.

So what are you waiting for? Speak to a Vaak Video Expert today to get your business an explainer video that will get you clients in no time.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of explainer videos?
Explainer videos offer a concise and engaging way to convey information, increase brand awareness, boost website conversion rates, and improve understanding of products or services. They are shareable, versatile, and cater to diverse learning styles.

Why are explainer videos essential for startup success?
Explainer videos succinctly communicate a startup's value proposition, attracting potential investors and customers. They establish brand identity, clarify complex ideas, and create a memorable first impression crucial for gaining traction in competitive markets.

Is an explainer video that effectively demonstrates the benefits of a product?
Yes, an effective explainer video demonstrates a product's features and benefits in a compelling way, helping potential customers understand its value and functionality. It enhances marketing efforts by making the product more accessible and appealing.

What is an explainer video, and why does your business need it?
An explainer video is a short, engaging audio-visual presentation that explains a product, service, or concept. Your business needs it to simplify complex information, increase audience engagement, boost conversion rates, and establish a strong online presence.

How can explainer videos enhance the training and orientation of new hires?
Explainer videos streamline the training of new hires by presenting company policies, procedures, and culture in a visually engaging format. They facilitate quicker onboarding, improve information retention, and ensure consistent delivery of key messages across the workforce.

Vani Aggarwal is a writer, director, and producer. Creative entrepreneur @ Vaak. She has over 15 years of experience in filmmaking and digital video production. Expert in nonfiction and animation storytelling. Loves Errol Morris and Miyazaki equally.