A Deep Dive into 4 Effective Animated Explainer Video Strategies for Product Demonstrations

Vani Aggarwal

8 January, 2024

blog/sarath-p-raj-p8GmCEgSmmo-unsplash.webp Product demonstrations using an animated explainer Videos are powerful tools for businesses to showcase their products or services to potential customers. In the modern age of digital marketing, video has become an increasingly popular medium for creating engaging and effective product demonstrations and explainer videos.

Using video, businesses can provide a dynamic and interactive way to demonstrate the features and benefits of their products or services, making it easier for potential customers to understand and appreciate their value. Explainer videos, in particular, can help to simplify complex concepts or processes, making them more accessible and easier to understand.

1. Video product demonstration

Video product demonstrations are an effective way for businesses to showcase their products and services to potential customers. Here are some benefits of using video product demonstrations:

Increased Visibility: Video product demonstrations allow businesses to showcase their products in a visual and engaging way, increasing the visibility of the products and services being offered.

Improved Understanding: Video demonstrations help to explain how a product works, its features and benefits, and how it can meet the needs of the target audience. This improved understanding can lead to increased interest and sales.

Increased Engagement: Videos are a dynamic and engaging medium, and video product demonstrations can help to keep potential customers interested and engaged in the product.

Reduced Costs: Video product demonstrations can be more cost-effective than in-person demonstrations, as they can be easily shared and reused, reducing the need for repeated in-person demonstrations.

Better Qualified Leads: By providing a detailed look at the product, video product demonstrations can help to pre-qualify leads, ensuring that only interested and qualified customers move forward in the sales process.

Increased Trust: By demonstrating the product and its features, video product demonstrations can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers, increasing the likelihood of a sale.

In conclusion, video product demonstrations can be an effective way for businesses to showcase their products and services, increasing visibility, improving understanding, increasing engagement, reducing costs, pre-qualifying leads, and building trust with potential customers. By leveraging the power of video, businesses can create engaging and effective product demonstrations that help drive sales and grow their business.

2. Explainer videos

Explainer videos are short, animated, or live-action videos that help explain a product, service, concept, or idea. Here are some benefits of using explainer videos:

Increased Awareness: Explainer videos help to simplify complex ideas and make them more accessible to a wider audience. This increased awareness can help drive traffic and interest in a product or service.

Improved Understanding: Explainer videos are designed to clearly and concisely explain the benefits and features of a product or service, helping potential customers to better understand what they are buying.

Increased Engagement: Videos are a dynamic and engaging medium, and explainer videos can help to keep potential customers interested and engaged in the product or service being offered.

Increased Conversion Rates: By helping to clarify the benefits and features of a product or service, explainer videos can increase conversion rates, as more potential customers are likely to make a purchase.

Better SEO: Explainer videos can help to improve search engine optimisation (SEO) by increasing the amount of valuable content on a website, which can help to drive more traffic and improve search rankings.

Increased Sharing: Explainer videos are often shareable and can be easily shared on social media and other platforms, increasing their reach and impact.

In conclusion, explainer videos can be an effective tool for businesses to increase awareness, improve understanding, increase engagement, increase conversion rates, improve SEO, and increase sharing of their products and services. By creating clear and engaging explainer videos, businesses can help to drive interest, increase conversions, and grow their business.

3. Video customer testimonials

Video customer testimonials are powerful marketing tools that can help businesses build trust and credibility with potential customers. Here are some benefits of using video customer testimonials:

Increased Trust: Video customer testimonials help to build trust with potential customers by showing real people sharing their positive experiences with a product or service.

Social Proof: Video testimonials help to provide social proof, which is the idea that people are more likely to trust a product or service if others have had positive experiences with it.

Better Understanding: Video customer testimonials help to provide a deeper understanding of the benefits and value of a product or service as real customers share their experiences in their own words.

Increased Engagement: Video testimonials are often more engaging than written testimonials, as they provide a more personal and relatable experience for potential customers.

Improved SEO: By including video customer testimonials on a website, businesses can help to improve their search engine optimisation (SEO) by adding valuable, keyword-rich content to their site.

Increased Conversion Rates: By building trust and providing social proof, video customer testimonials can help to increase conversion rates, as more potential customers are likely to make a purchase.

In conclusion, video customer testimonials are powerful marketing tools that can help businesses build

4. Video virtual tours

Video virtual tours are a valuable tool for businesses that want to showcase their products or facilities to a wider audience. Here are some benefits of using video virtual tours:

Increased Accessibility: Video virtual tours allow businesses to provide a tour of their facilities to anyone, anywhere, at any time. This can be particularly useful for businesses that want to showcase their products or facilities to a global audience.

Improved Customer Experience: Video virtual tours provide a more interactive and engaging customer experience, allowing potential customers to explore a business's facilities or products in a virtual environment.

Increased Engagement: Video virtual tours are often more engaging than traditional tours, as they provide a more immersive experience for potential customers.

Better Understanding: Video virtual tours can help to provide a deeper understanding of a product or service, as potential customers can explore a business's facilities or products in detail.

Increased Conversion Rates: By providing a more interactive and engaging customer experience, video virtual tours can help to increase conversion rates, as more potential customers are likely to make a purchase.

Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional tours, video virtual tours are often more cost-effective, as they can be produced and delivered at a fraction of the cost.

In conclusion, video virtual tours are a valuable tool for businesses that want to showcase their products or facilities to a wider audience. By providing increased accessibility, improved customer experience, increased engagement, better understanding, increased conversion rates, and being cost-effective, video virtual tours can help businesses differentiate themselves from their competition and drive sales.


In conclusion, video is a powerful tool for product demonstrations and explainer videos, allowing companies to showcase the benefits of their products in a way that is engaging, educational, and memorable.

So, what are you waiting for? Speak to a Vaak Video Expert today to get your business an explainer video that will get you clients in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an explainer video strategy?
An explainer video strategy outlines how and where to use videos to achieve specific goals. It involves defining the target audience, message, distribution channels, and measuring success metrics to ensure the video aligns with overall marketing objectives.

Why are animated explainer videos effective?
Animated explainer videos captivate audiences by simplifying complex ideas through engaging visuals and storytelling. They enhance information retention, increase viewer engagement, and effectively convey messages, making them a powerful tool for communication.

How do you make an animated explainer video?
To create an animated explainer video, plan your script and storyboard, choose animation software, create visuals and animations, add voiceovers, synchronize elements, and finalize the video with editing and music for a polished result.

How can I use an animated explainer video to market a company's product or service?
Utilize animated explainer videos for product or service marketing by highlighting key features, addressing customer pain points, and showcasing unique selling propositions. Share the video on your website, social media, and during presentations to increase brand awareness and drive conversions.

What are the common mistakes to avoid when creating animated explainer videos for product demonstrations?
Common mistakes include overloading with information, neglecting a clear call-to-action, using poor-quality visuals or narration, and lacking a focused message. Avoid these errors to ensure your product demonstration videos effectively communicate the value proposition without overwhelming or confusing the audience.


Vani Aggarwal is a writer, director, and producer. Creative entrepreneur @ Vaak. She has over 15 years of experience in filmmaking and digital video production. Expert in nonfiction and animation storytelling. Loves Errol Morris and Miyazaki equally.